3 min. read
·This is how carbon offset works
Financing sustainability projects that offset CO2 emissions
Ecommit collaborates with innovative sustainability projects in the Netherlands and beyond. These projects offset CO2 emissions through various means such as technology, agriculture, or reforestation. Your company can contribute to these initiatives, making CO2 offsetting a part of your sustainability plans.
How does CO2 offsetting work?
Carbon action plan
Step-by-step guide to carbon offset
Specialist in CO2 offsetting
Ecommit is an expert in CO2. We combine knowledge of emissions data, laws and regulations, and CO2 offsetting. Whether you need insight into your emissions, want to stay updated on the latest laws and regulations, or wish to purchase carbon credits, we have what you need.
Knowledge of laws and regulations
Partner in sustainability
Certified carbon credits
Administrative support
Calculation tool for insights
Current offset status
Projects ecommit collaborates with
When you purchase carbon credits through ecommit, you contribute to significant sustainability projects that remove CO2 from the air. The projects we partner with are located both in the Netherlands and abroad.
This ambitious project in Croatia focuses on the Anna Paulowna tree (Paulownia), a species known for its exceptional carbon absorption capabilities.
In the Mayan language Tzeltal, Scolel’te means 'the tree that grows'. This beautiful project in Mexico uses reforestation and agroforestry.
Paulownia Deest
This innovative project in Deest, Netherlands, uses Paulownia trees, which are known for their exceptional carbon absorption capabilities.
Temporarily sold out
Blijvend Grasland
Blijvend Grasland is a collection of excellent projects in the Netherlands. These projects use grasslands to store carbon in the soil.
GreenTrees ACRE
GreenTrees encourages individual landowners to plant forests. The trees remove carbon from the air and are a source of income for the owners.
At the MTPL project in India, eucalyptus trees are planted on land that has not been used for years. The trees absorb carbon and prevent erosion.
How do you want to offset your company's CO2 emissions?
There are various ways to offset your CO2 emissions. Choose the option that suits your company best.
Stay informed with our blogs
In our blogs, you will find everything you need to know about carbon offsetting. We keep up with legislation, provide the latest news, summarize research findings, and share whitepapers.
2 min. read
·Questions about more sustainable business?
Do you have a question or do you want more information? Contact us for a free consultation.