The world's longest-running carbon offset project.
The Scolel’te project is located in southern Mexico, spanning the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca, covering approximately 10,000 hectares. In the Mayan Tzeltal language, Scolel’te translates to 'the tree that grows'. It is the world's first project to use reforestation and agroforestry for carbon uptake and remains the longest-running project for carbon offsetting.

Project location
Project type
10,400+ ha
Project size
Start year
Contribution to the climate
In the Scolel’te project, forests, rainforests, and agroforestry are utilized to absorb carbon. The project area contains many fragmented and neglected pieces of land, with extensive deforestation occurring. The project ensures that agricultural areas and forests are properly managed with the involvement of local communities. Indigenous tree species are planted alongside crops, creating a region abundant with trees and plants that capture carbon from the air.

Project organization
Management of this project
The Scolel’te project is executed and coordinated by AMBIO. This cooperative works directly with owners of vulnerable forests and rainforests. Activities promoting sustainable management of the area take priority. The project involves the local community in management efforts, benefiting residents in return. Local knowledge and experience are integrated with technical and scientific advancements in forestry and agroforestry.
Project accountability
To bring carbon credits from Scolel’te to market, the project followed these steps:
Project developer AMBIO conducted a feasibility study to assess the project's ability to issue carbon credits for carbon offsetting.
Scolel’te registered the project with Plan Vivo.
An independent auditor validated the project documents and carbon removal claims.
Plan Vivo issued carbon offsetting certificates to Scolel’te. Subsequently, Ecommit purchased carbon offsetting certificates from this project. All data and transactions are recorded in the IHS Markit registry.
AMBIO monitors progress annually and publishes project costs, carbon credit sales figures, successes, challenges, and expansion plans in an annual report.
A second independent auditor verifies every five years whether carbon removal targets have been met and whether the project still meets Plan Vivo's standards.

Enabled by carbon credits
Contribute to this project
The Scolel’te project encourages local communities to protect and sustainably manage the nature in their region, preserving their cultural heritage in the process. Participating farmers receive training, exchange experiences, and collaborate with agroforestry professionals. Land management is facilitated through the issuance of carbon credits. By purchasing carbon credits for your company, you support this project and contribute to reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

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