Everything about CO2

Carbon offsetting in your company's sustainability plan

Carbon plays a significant role in your company's sustainability plan since virtually every business emits carbon. There are several options to manage these emissions. You can offset, avoid, and/or reduce carbon emissions. Ecommit can advise you on all these options.

Co2 Compensatie Te Duur

Carbon dioxide

What is CO2?

CO2 is the chemical abbreviation for carbon dioxide. It is also often referred to as carbon. It is a gas naturally present in the atmosphere. We cannot do without CO2. Trees and plants need CO2 to grow. Humans and animals, in turn, rely on these trees and plants for food and oxygen. Moreover, CO2, along with other greenhouse gases, helps to trap the sun's heat, making life on earth possible.

Ecommit Climatechange

The issue

Why is CO2 a problem?

Scientists have determined that there is an increasing amount of CO2 in the air. CO2 is mainly released during the combustion of petroleum, natural gas, and coal. The rise in CO2 emissions contributes to global warming. Most scientists agree that human activities significantly influence this warming. There is extensive research into the exact extent of this influence and the factors involved.

How much carbon does a company emit?

Every company emits carbon, and the amount depends on various factors such as employees, transportation, and office space. The exact emissions vary based on specific circumstances and company activities.

1 fte

results in emissions of 3.5 tonnes of carbon per year.

1 terabyte of data storage

results in emissions of 2 tonnes of carbon per year.

1 m² office space

results in emissions of 51 kg of carbon per year.

1 kWh of electricity

results in emissions of 0.37 kg of carbon.

1 electric car

emits 53 grams of carbon per kilometer.

1 petrol car

emits 145 grams of carbon per kilometer.

How to reduce your company’s carbon footprint?

Eliminating carbon emissions entirely is nearly impossible, but there are many sustainable options to reduce your company’s footprint.


Prevent carbon emissions by not performing certain activities or modifying them. For example, using green energy, reducing car travel, or changing high-emission production processes.


Limit carbon emissions by scaling back activities. This includes reducing energy consumption, switching to electric vehicles, minimizing waste, or sourcing more locally.


Remove unavoidable carbon emissions from the atmosphere. Ecommit offers solutions through sustainability projects that capture and store carbon.

Forest Trees


What are sustainability projects?

Sustainability projects contribute to a better living environment. Ecommit collaborates with sustainability projects both domestically and internationally that offset carbon emissions. These projects use technology, agriculture, reforestation, and other innovative methods to remove carbon from the air. Before we invest in a project, we conduct thorough research. The project must be certified, and the carbon credits must be registered. This ensures that we provide your company with a reliable and effective way to offset carbon emissions.

Reliability of carbon credits

When you contribute to a sustainability project, you need to trust that everything is in order. That the project truly exists and provides carbon offsetting. And that the compensation you pay for is not also sold to other companies. This assurance is crucial.


There are rules for measuring, validating, and verifying the effectiveness of sustainability projects and carbon removal technologies. These rules govern what can and cannot be certified and define exactly what qualifies as carbon credits.


Each project undergoes thorough scrutiny. For instance, in a reforestation project, details such as tree species, trunk diameter, growth process, and total carbon sequestration are documented. Projects meeting all standards are certified.


A certified sustainability project and its associated carbon credits are recorded in a public registry. This registration ensures that a carbon credit is always traceable and cannot be double-sold.

Ecommit Visual14

Carbon action plan

Step-by-step guide to carbon offset

Offsetting carbon is the solution for emissions that you cannot yet avoid or reduce. You can offset your emissions step by step. The first step is to map out your company's emissions. Once you have this information, you can start offsetting these emissions and gradually take further steps: offsetting your vehicle fleet, your factory, or even passing on a compensation fee to your customers. Anything is possible. We are here to guide you through each step.

Buy your carbon credits now

Do you want to offset your company's carbon emissions? Purchase carbon credits to support essential sustainability projects and help reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.


The carbon credits come from certified, registered projects that guarantee carbon offsetting.

Quick and easy

Buying carbon credits is simple and quick, allowing you to start offsetting your emissions immediately.


You decide the amount of carbon you want to offset, making carbon offsetting accessible for any budget.


Choose the offsetting method that fits your company best: offset for a certain amount or quantity of carbon, per product or service sold, or per activity or event.

Frequently asked questions about carbon offset

You can mitigate, reduce, and/or offset the carbon emissions of your company. Mitigation and reduction involve choosing not to perform certain activities in your business, altering them, or limiting them. These changes require adjustments, investments, and time. Compensating involves paying to remove (part of) the carbon you have emitted from the atmosphere. This action can be initiated promptly.

Ecommit can advise your company on any questions regarding carbon emissions. We only sell carbon credits from certified and registered projects. This ensures that a project effectively contributes to carbon offsetting and that carbon credits cannot be double-sold. Ecommit neutralizes the carbon credits and provides your company with all necessary documents for accounting and reporting. Our entire process from purchase to sale is publicly traceable on the blockchain.

Carbon offsetting involves removing CO2, or carbon dioxide, from the air that you (currently) cannot avoid or reduce. Sustainability projects aim to either capture carbon from the air or reduce the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere.

Carbon offsetting is absolutely meaningful. In fact, it is essential for achieving the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050, as outlined in the Paris Agreement. Research* indicates that solely avoiding and reducing carbon emissions will only achieve about fifty percent of the necessary reduction level. Carbon offsetting is seen as the only way to bridge that gap.
* Source: The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal (2023)

Every person, every company emits carbon. Driving cars, using electricity, sending emails - almost all our actions result in emissions. Scientists have determined that carbon levels in the atmosphere are increasing, leading to global warming. To mitigate this warming, many initiatives have been developed to remove carbon from the air. These include projects that harness the potential of plants, trees, and oceans to store carbon. There are also machines designed to capture carbon directly from the atmosphere. However, these projects require investment to operate. Issuing carbon credits is a way to finance these initiatives.

Ecommit collaborates with sustainability projects both domestically and internationally that offset carbon. Before investing in any project, thorough research is conducted. The project must be certified, and its carbon credits registered. Subsequently, ecommit offers carbon credits in any desired quantity. Your company can offset carbon through a fixed amount, a specific quantity of carbon, or via your product or service.

A sustainability project removes carbon from the air. Nature provides various opportunities for this, including plants, trees, and oceans storing carbon. There are also technological solutions, such as machines that capture carbon from the air or water. To implement these groundbreaking initiatives, funding is required. Ecommit invests in diverse sustainability projects carefully selected based on rigorous criteria. Your company can purchase carbon credits from one of these projects. This way, you offset carbon emissions and promote sustainability within your business.

Reducing or even preventing emissions is the best course of action. However, this is not something that can be achieved overnight. Your company needs to explore feasible alternatives, which involves significant investments and adjustments to business processes. To achieve climate goals, Oxford University advocates for companies to start offsetting emissions now. By reducing emissions, the reliance on offsetting can be gradually reduced in the future. However, there will always be residual emissions, necessitating ongoing carbon offsetting efforts.

Yes. Carbon offsetting and carbon removal both mean removing emitted carbon from the atmosphere. Other terms that also mean the same thing are: carbon capture, CDR or carbon dioxide removal, and CO2 capture.

Stay informed with our blogs

In our blogs, you will find everything you need to know about carbon offsetting. We keep up with legislation, provide the latest news, summarize research findings, and share whitepapers.


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Sustainable business

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