Secondment & employment

Go for a lasting connection between candidates and employers.

Apply sustainability when selecting and connecting the best professionals for your secondment assignments.

Arranged quickly

Completely unburdened by ecommit.


Decide for yourself how much you compensate.


Monthly choose what you do and don't compensate.

100% Betrouwbaar

Get real-time insight into all sustainability projects.

Why secondment & employment agencies choose ecommit?

With a wide network and thus a choice of reliable and certified local and international sustainability projects, ecommit purchases these CO2 certificates in large bulk. These certificates are then broken down into smaller packages so that everyone can buy the quantity they want.

Law & regulation

All CO2 offsets comply with (current and future) laws and regulations.


Receive reports on carbon offsets for your financial statements.


The administration and reporting of CO2 certificates are completely taken out of your hands.

Especially for secondment & employment agencies

Work on a sustainable connection.

Expand your target group by applying sustainability in the recruitment and selection of professionals for your secondment assignments. By investing in nature projects or including a climate contribution in your assignments, you not only contribute to a better climate, but also create awareness.

Compensate now

How does it work?

Discover the power of sustainable business.

Contribute to accelerating the sustainability transition, put your secondment or staffing agency in the spotlight and improve your profitability! Integrate sustainability costs into the services you offer and involve your candidates and clients in this positive change. This can be done by including the cost of covering carbon emissions in your rates as standard or by giving clients the choice to contribute to this.

Compensate now

CO2 offsetting work with ecommit.

With ecommit, sustainable business is a piece of cake! Easily and quickly determine an appropriate CO2 contribution and start off by offsetting your CO2 emissions.

If you choose to self-compensate, you can choose between a fixed amount per year or a percentage of turnover that suits you.

If you choose to offset yourself, you can choose between a fixed amount per year or a percentage of turnover that suits you.

If you choose compensate together, you pass on a certain carbon offset per transaction to your customers. That way, you turn a lot of small bits into a nice amount. Moreover, every time you extend your partnership with ecommit for a year, you will receive a bonus to spend on sustainability yourself.

Choose from one of ecommit's sustainability projects. Which project best suits your company to offset your CO2 emissions? The choice is yours!

Get your own personalised certificate and show everyone that you offset your CO2 emissions through ecommit's sustainability projects.

Invest in sustainability yourself
Choose an amount that suits you
Put the carbon offset on your receipt
Select a sustainability project
Receive your own certificate

“ecommit offers a very easy solution to go green. In a few easy steps. And it also makes you feel good, for yourself, your company and your environment. Highly recommended!”

Oscar Meijerink — LanceFree

These entrepreneurs already offset their CO2 emissions through ecommit

Carbon offsetting for more sustainable business

What does your organisation need to become more sustainable? Ecommit offers a solution. We provide tailor-made solutions to offset your company's CO2 emissions.

Questions about more sustainable business?

Do you have a question or do you want more information? Contact us for a free consultation.

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