Frequently Asked Questions

Why compensate?

Sustainability, an undeniably important issue. Our modern society relies heavily on fossil fuels, leading to the emission of large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Resulting in climate change. Reducing and avoiding emissions are important focal points in counteracting this climate change as much as possible.

However, implementing sustainability solutions is often a lengthy and costly process that cannot always keep up with your business. CO2 offsetting is a very valuable addition to this, fully configurable to the needs and capacity you currently have. Ecommit facilitates the purchase of CO2 certificates from certified and reliable sustainability projects, according to strict purchasing criteria. These CO2 certificates are used to finance a project in the Netherlands or elsewhere in the world that removes CO2 from the air, for example by reforestation or CO2 storage in the ground. And you can offset (part of) your emissions.

By choosing CO2 compensation via ecommit, you show your customers and suppliers that you are actively working on sustainability. This allows you to broaden your market, attract consumers and bind young talent to your company.

Ecommit offers several benefits when offsetting (part of) your CO2 emissions within the platform:

  1. Full transparency - ecommit guarantees that all purchased CO2 credits represent real CO2 removed from the atmosphere. Ecommit offers a fully traceable and verifiable procurement and neutralization process that complies with current laws and regulations and provides peace of mind.

  2. Affordable - decide for what amount per month you can and want to offset now. This can be as little as €25 excl. VAT per month.

  3. Visibility - show your customers and supply chain partners that you take sustainability seriously by offsetting CO2 via ecommit, strengthen your position in the market.

  4. Together with your customers - integrate sustainability costs into the services and products you offer and let your customers be part of this positive change. For example, by charging the cost of covering CO2 emissions to customers by default, or by giving customers themselves the choice to help pay for it.

Of course, reducing or even preventing emissions is the best thing you can do. In practice, however, it has proven very difficult to produce (almost) no more CO2 emissions in our daily lives. To still be able to do something about the (currently still) unavoidable emissions, CO2 offsetting is a very valuable addition to CO2 reduction and avoidance. A catalyst that is needed to achieve the goals for the sustainability transition and can give our living environment a boost in the right direction within a very short time. And ecommit makes that very simple.

CO2 certificates

A carbon certificate (carbon credit) represents a measurable and verifiable reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere by a certified climate protection project. Each CO2 certificate represents one ton of CO2.

Neutralizing CO2 certificates involves claiming the CO2 on that certificate against the CO2 emissions of an individual or organization. Ecommit takes that certificate out of circulation to ensure that it can only be claimed once. It is the final step in the life cycle of a carbon credit and is fully traceable.

To encourage big polluters to reduce their CO2 emissions, the EU has required them to purchase emission allowances since 2005. Emission allowances are a type of permit issued by governments to allow a certain amount of greenhouse gas emissions to a company. The idea behind this is that companies will become more sustainable to save the cost of emission allowances. In addition to this mandatory market, a voluntary market has also emerged, for companies that would like to voluntarily do something about sustainability. In this market, CO2 certificates, also known as carbon credits, can be purchased. These certificates are issued by certified and regulated climate protection projects around the world. View the projects ecommit works with here.

Becoming a customer

Ecommit has several ways for companies to participate:

  1. By paying a fixed amount per year with which you offset the desired amount of CO2. For example the emissions of your employees, data usage, factory or transports.

  2. By integrating the cost of sustainability into the services and products you offer and thus involving your customers in the sustainability process. For example, by passing on the cost of covering CO2 emissions to customers by default in the form of a surcharge of a fixed amount or fixed percentage, or by giving customers the choice to pay for it themselves.

Yes, you can! Like the Internet that grew from America into a global phenomenon, ecommit is limitless. Anyone in the world can offset CO2 with ecommit! The map already shows the Netherlands, the United States, Canada and Mexico - the other countries will soon follow!

Sure! As an individual, you can participate by purchasing a carbon offset package. Choose one of the standard packages or enter a desired amount yourself.

When you purchase a compensation package, you can select the actual location of your business or home (or any other desired spot) on the interactive ecommit map. Ecommit uses Mapbox (similar to Google Maps) for this purpose. That way your compensation will be visible to everyone!

You certainly can. Every compensation counts in making the world more sustainable. You can partner with ecommit in two ways, either as an ambassador or as a premium partner. As an ambassador, you earn 10% of the amount compensated by a party you nominate in credits that you can spend on If you meet the conditions for premium partnership, you will receive a commission of 10% of the amount compensated by the customers you refer. Read more about how it works here.


The cost of offsetting a home or business is variable and depends on the property, the (business) activities and occupants or employees in question. To give an idea, offsetting the CO2 emissions of an average office worker currently costs, based on current prices, about €306 per year. Offsetting the average emissions of an SME based on current prices costs €5,695 per year.

No. Before you proceed to (purchase) carbon offsets, you can explore the ecommit website and fully understand what costs are associated with which purchase.

There are many different factors that go into a precise calculation of carbon emissions. That is why we have chosen to relate the emissions to be compensated to the annual turnover of the company. This makes for a simple process without complicated data, and in practice often turns out to be quite close to the actual emissions when calculated precisely. For individuals, we have a streamlined approach by offering standard CO2 offset packages that make it easy for any individual to offset CO2.

Of course, customized solutions are also possible. In that case, ecommit is happy to - together with its partners - look at what best suits your specific situation. You can also make an estimate yourself by using our carbon estimation tool. In just a few easy steps you can see what your projects or activities produce in terms of estimated emissions.

About ecommit

Currently, ecommit is active in the Netherlands, the United States, Canada and Mexico. We expect to expand to other (European) countries soon, which will then also become visible on the map!

Offsetting CO2 through ecommit helps support sustainability projects around the world. ecommit works with the sustainability initiatives that have great impact on their local environment and communities. All of ecommit's claims are verifiable through third-party registries such as Verra and Gold Standard.

Ecommit facilitates companies in making their product or service more sustainable, in order to accelerate the energy transition together. Large or small, advanced in sustainability or just starting out, ecommit can offer everyone a suitable solution. Because ecommit buys in bulk and cuts the carbon credits into smaller pieces, the carbon credits are suddenly accessible to all companies. Without high thresholds and complicated procedures.

Reliability, transparency and complete peace of mind is what ecommit stands for. With an extensive procurement process and audit trail that is fully transparent online for customers through our innovative platform. Ecommit sells only to end users, guaranteeing that the CO2 certificates are actually used for sustainability purposes and not traded further. As a direct link between the source and the end user, ecommit cooperates as much as possible with local initiatives, thus bringing CO2 supply and demand together.

Sustainability projects

ecommit's specialized team has developed strict selection criteria. If a sustainability project potentially fits ecommit's procurement strategy and carbon credit type, information is extensively requested and assessed. Only after all required information is provided and meets our standards will a purchase be made. For example, our team assesses the sustainability project for: a detailed description of the technical and operational design of the project; identification of the management and legal ownership of the project; information on the design, existence and reporting of the project's internal and external quality control and certification systems; and a quote on the type, quality, location, volume and price of carbon credits available to ecommit.

The sustainability transition (also known as the energy transition) is the transition from the use of fossil fuels to sustainable and renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and geothermal energy. This is essential to reduce CO2 emissions and combat climate change. It is not only about protecting our planet, but also about ensuring a livable and sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

Sustainability or climate protection projects help avoid, reduce or actively capture and store greenhouse gas emissions. They can take different forms, such as preventing deforestation, planting trees or crops, or storing CO2 in permanent grassland. A project must meet strict requirements and is audited by independent organizations that verify offsets through internationally recognized standards. Only after this intensive screening and verification can CO2 certificates (or "carbon credits") be issued by the project's organization. During the course of the project, auditors from the external parties also check whether the project plans and goals are being achieved and regularly check whether the intended CO2 uptake has actually taken place. Read more about the projects ecommit works with here.

ecommit and ecolands

When you offset CO2 through ecommit, you choose an address on the ecommit-map for your offset. Mapbox links that address to an exact location on the map. Participants of ecolands can buy domains (pieces of virtual land) on that same map via ecolands. Once compensated via ecommit at a particular location, the owner of that location's domain in ecolands, along with the owner(s) of the 18 domains around it, receive a 10% reward of the compensated amount. So each domain in the virtual ecolands world is entitled to about 0.5% of the amount compensated via ecommit on an annual basis.

Why? Because we can only stop climate change together. And to encourage everyone to act together, different perspectives and solutions are needed! By allowing ecoland's domain owners to participate in the process of offsetting CO2 emissions, ecommit creates a large number of financially and socially stimulated ambassadors to actively engage in CO2 offsetting.

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