Customer stories with: Wouter Dammers - Lawfox

“Sooner or later, everyone will have to take responsibility for their emissions. I think that, as a progressive law firm, we can set a good example. And offsetting through an initiative like ecommit is very accessible.”

Wouter Dammers is a specialized IT lawyer at LAWFOX and is assisting ecommit with legal matters. To properly empathize with the world of ecommit, he personally invested in virtual land. For his business, he chose carbon offsetting.

Sustainability is something permanently on the law firm's agenda. So that they can contribute in this area both now and in the future. Currently, their policy is to use as little paper as possible and work digitally as much as possible in a sustainable office. Recently they added CO2 compensating via an compensation package from ecommit. "Sooner or later everyone will have to take responsibility for their emissions. I think that as a progressive law firm we can set a good example. And offsetting through an initiative like ecommit is very accessible," says Wouter.

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