2 min. read
·10 July, 2023
·2 min. read
WFS en Health By Nature

This is Tom. Tom is positivity itself and tries daily to contribute to a better quality of life. Pure and natural pioneering is what he does and in this he found a great partner in ecommit. To help improve the world together. For his companies Wfs Financial Engineering & Coaching and Health by Nature he offsets carbon through the platform.

For WFS, he charges a fixed amount per assignment to his relations, for which amount he purchases CO2 certificates from ecommit.For Health by Nature, he offsets the emissions of his co-partner and employee. He deliberately chooses to take care of this offset on his own account, in order to keep it affordable for his customers within SMEs. ecommit helped him with this calculation, taking work off his hands. "SMEs have to comply with extensive regulations. Mapping their compensation will be added to that in 2024. That ecommit is so good at thinking along and pre-calculating things is therefore very valuable," Tom explains. "The ecommit team has ambition, exudes power and is pioneering. This suits me and that makes compensating even better."
And that's not the only thing Tom contributes to a sustainable society. He already surrounded his solar panel-covered house and (vegetable) garden with a small forest. He started driving fewer miles, banishing chemicals and embracing organic. Sharing knowledge about this is an extension of that and he does it in a casual way. To make others subconsciously aware.
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