Customer stories with: Oscar Meijerink – LanceFree
“ecommit offers a very easy solution to go green. In a few easy steps. And it also makes you feel good, for yourself, your company and your environment. Highly recommended!”
For his ZZP platform in construction and engineering 'Lance Free', Oscar Meijerink chose to compensate CO2. He did this through ecommit. To contribute to a better world, but also to invest in an interesting platform, an initiative with a lot of potential. Because that's how he sees ecommit.
Lance Free actually already operates virtually climate-neutral. They consume no gas, use no paper, the entire team drives eclectic. The team works in clean air that is purified by the green plant walls in the office. Still, Oscar chose ecommit. To compensate any last bit of emissions and especially to encourage ecommit. "They offer a very easy solution to go green. In a few easy steps’. And it also makes you feel good, for yourself, your company and your environment. Highly recommended!" said Oscar.
Thanks to the growth of Lance Free, more tech-savvy individuals are contributing to a more sustainable world. And Oscar expects Lance Free to grow even further in the coming years. He is therefore keeping a close eye on the latest developments to potentially make the business even more sustainable.